I have not received my order, what should I do?

Estimated delivery by dates are provided by the couriers and are subjected to customs delays, holidays, global pandemic and other weather conditions.

You should have received a tracking email as soon as your order is shipped. This tracking service is provided by a third party courier service - TrackMyShipment.co
Check your email folders and spams to look for this tracking email.

You can also track your order at either Singapore Post or DHL eCommerce or at your local post website. If your order was shipped express, please track at DHL Express with your tracking number which you can find on your order or on your shipped confirmation emails.

The final delivery is done by your country's local post (except for DHL Express & FedEx). Once the package enters your country, you can get more detailed tracking on your local post website.

You can use your Tracking Number located on your tracking emails to continue tracking at your country's post office website.

For DHL eCommerce, your tracking number will start from "SG", use this number on DHL eCommerce site and look under "Shipment Details", to get your local tracking number which starts from "LW". You can then use this local tracking number to track at your local post site, for example: RoyalMail.


If 20 days have passed since the despatched date ***(date which package left Singapore)*** and there are no further updates on your packages, please contact us to make a claim.

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