How do I cancel my subscription?

We hate to see you go! Did you know you can skip the next billing of your next subscription box if you need a short break or switch subscription plans by cancelling the current subscription and subscribing to the next preferred subscription plan.

To cancel, log into your My Old Subscription Box Portal / My Account page, click the “Subscriptions” option in the top-left corner, click "Cancel" next to the subscription that you'd like to cancel.


For monthly subscription plans, the subscriptions can be cancelled at anytime. However, if you no longer wish to receive the subsequent boxes, you will need to cancel BEFORE your auto renewal date stated in your subscription portal. Once your plan has auto renewed, you can no longer cancel the box and will not be eligible for any refunds. If you encountered problems cancelling a subscription, please contact us via our contact form 10 days prior to your next renewal to ensure timely and successful cancellations.

Prepaid subscriptions (3, 6 or 12-month terms) are not eligible for order cancellation or refunds - you can request for the cancellation and your subscription will cancel after the term ends. Unfortunately, skipping a month is not an option for prepaid plans.

You are solely responsible for the management of your subscriptions, we are not liable for any duplicate subscriptions or cancellation of subscriptions. Any boxes paid prior to cancellations will continue to ship.

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